Friday, 13 May 2011

Great reviews all around!

Over the last few weeks little Icekap's have been making their way all across North America into the hands of migraine sufferers. Flying to thier new homes in thier little recyclable boxes, to be greated by thier new owners. They have been recieved with great reviews and I am so pleased that others have found the same relief as I have with them.

I was lucky to have mine with me on a quick trip I did out east this last week. I was able to wear it on the plane coming home. I could feel my neck starting to tighten, then the usual steps toward a migraine were setting in. I had my Icekap in my carry on and it had held its cold temp for quite sometime. It was a perfect remedy for the stress of travel and an oncomming migraine. This time I covered the "spine'' of my scalp with the essential oil and the base of my neck also. Then I slipped my cap on and tightened both side. Ahhhh.

Such a relief to travel home in comfort and was able to wear it all the way home to bed.